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DISCLAIMER: I have not updated this blog in over a year and it needs a design overhaul. I also need to post more often. I'll add that to...
Who doesn't love Etsy.com? I'm infatuated with scanning the various creations made by crafty stay at home moms and men who like to w...
The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things...Of shoes, and tops, and skinny jeans, of bubble necklaces and rings. Okay so ...
As mentioned in a previous post, we recently embarked on the adventure of redoing our master bedroom. By redoing I basi...
She's alive! I haven't blogged since...well...May 2010. That's a normal hiatus I'd say. Between getting married and becomi...
Did you know that I have 12 drafts of posts that I've never completed or posted? So many secrets, so many words of wisdom, so much amazi...
I'm an avid watcher of Dr. Phil. You either hate him or you love him or just want to rub his shiny bald head... just once. I love him an...
Many many moons ago, or months ago, I promised to post more. I also warned that my promise would most likely be broken in a matter of weeks....
--> Prior to registering for our little Eva Grace, I spoke with a lot of moms regarding their “must-haves” for bab...
I agree with pretty much all of your points, except two. Sequins are fun. And, not that I've done this or anything, but heels that are 4-5" should be worn in moderation and not while inhailing alcoholic beverages. One might turn wrong and your foot might not follow, causing you to fall, HARD, on your ass. And you might cry because it hurt so bad. You might also have to slowly sit down each time you try to sit, from the bruised tail bone. Not that I know from experience. I'm just saying, moderation.