
I'm an avid watcher of Dr. Phil. You either hate him or you love him or just want to rub his shiny bald head... just once. I love him and think he's fantastic at what he does. Do I believe he enjoys his celebrity and covering the big stories just for ratings? Yes but he still does a great job at evaluating and giving advice no matter what the subject or reason for doing a certain show.

He recently had a psychic panel on the show, one of which was a numerologist. I've never really looked into numerology nor cared to until I saw this episode. My birth date is March 2nd which makes me a Pisces according to my horoscope. My whole life I've felt that I've been misplaced or born in the wrong month. I do not identify with a Pisces other than the fact that I'm creative. That about covers it. I'm not idealistic, imaginative, a dreamer, passive, secretive, weak-willed, or hyper-sensitive. I'm sure Owen would argue the last one but I'm a female who has a menstrual cycle. That doesn't count.

The fact that I'm not much of a Pisces led me to wanting to find out if numerology would be more accurate. I looked up a bunch of sites and calculated my numbers on each one and came to the same numbers each time. I had to quadruple check to make sure I was doing it right (again, soooo not a Pisces). It turns out you have two numbers in numerology, one for your life/birth path and one that describes your personality. My life path number is 11 (or 2 depending on the chart) and my personality is a 4. Life path is calculated by adding up the numbers in your birth date and personality is calculated by adding up the numbers in your full birth name. Below I've posted a link to the most user friendly site in case you want to figure out your own.

oooooh ahhhhhhh.... so many numbers

My life path says that I possess an inordinate amount of energy and intuition. I can be shy and withdrawn at times but exude power and emotional turmoil at the same time. Sounds about right. I indulge in much self reflection and self-criticism and even when I try to blend in, I often feel like I stick out. Sounds right as well. I will not hit my full potential until I'm between the ages of 35 and 45. Aw man! I get frustrated easily and often imagine a skyscraper when all that was needed was a two story house. I get stressed easily. Confidence is the key to unlocking my dreams. BAM. Perfect. Forget horoscopes, numerology is where it's at!

Moving on... my personality number says the following about me: I am an organizer and a manager. I like to plan everything I do and am methodical. I will not embark on any trip without a map. I distrust the unconventional and am careful and cautious. As a side note, that definitely applies to my life but not to how my body moves. I run into and drop everything I pick up which would would make me neither careful nor cautious in that sense. In relationships I am trustworthy and sincere but rigid and stubborn. Noooooo... okay maybeeeee.

I could go on and on but you get the point. I'd say I'm a new lover of numerology. Sounds pretty accurate to me. Give yours a try and see if you agree...

Calculate Your Numerology

I have to admit I was really crossing my fingers that I'd be a 3. That's my favorite number. Why can't life ever be fair? Grrr.

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